  1. Do not ever approach or touch a fawn. Aggressively keep others and their pets from harassing it. If you have any concerns not answered below, contact an experienced Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre from this website.


Fawns can be singles, twins and sometimes triplets. They are born from early spring to early summer and are identified by their tiny size and characteristic white spots. A newborn fawn is often compared to the size of a large house cat with really, really long legs, the Mother Deer, or Doe will often leave her young unattended for very extended periods of time, particularly in the first few days. This is not neglect, a newborn fawn has no scent and is safer motionless and alone rather than trying to keep up with its mother. She will periodically return to feed the fawn, and within a few days the fawn will be strong enough to join its mother on her never-ending quest for forage.

Newborn fawns are toooo adorable, but please do not unintentionally turn this innocent baby into an unnecessary 'orphan'. They will bond very rapidly, often in minutes, to any mammal that comes near. That means that quick peek you decide to take could mean the loss of a natural upbringing for the fawn. They will start to toddle about, trying to follow you, please, you must be cruel to be kind. If a fawn latches on to you, frighten it by clapping your hands, shouting, jumping, lunging, anything that will get it to back off and leave you, and other humans/pets alone. You may need to be what seems to be horrifically aggressive, do it, other wise its life will be permanently compromised. Please dig out your binoculars and watch quietly, from a long distance away.

A fawn in trouble can usually only be identified by an experienced Wildlife Rehabilitator. If it is still partially encased in the amniotic sac, is bleating 'maa, maa, maa' non-stop, obviously injured, or has been in one place longer than 24 hrs it possibly needs help. Do not try to intervene without contacting a Wildlife Rehabilitator first, even a tiny baby fawn can slice you with their razor sharp hooves.

Injured Adult Deer

Unfortunately, not much can be done for an injured adult deer, unless it is down and literally cannot get up. They are very susceptible to stress and any attempt to restrain or capture them is more often fatal.

Fortunately they are also magnificent at dealing with disabilities, including living with only three functioning legs, massive jaw injuries, loss or impairment of an eye etc. More often than not if an injured adult deer has chosen your property for its convalescence it will hang about for 1-3 weeks slowly healing and adapting to the new injury. Providing supportive care such as a water trough and food (contact rehabilitator for specifics) supplements can make the difference between life and death at this critical time. Enjoy the honor that has been bestowed upon you, an animal has sought sanctuary from you, this is a rare trust.