April 16, 2007  9:21 pm

Hi Auntie

Auntie Matzo
The doc didn't get a chance to send you another email with pics of my healing flanks; so, I've attached them to this email.  She says that if she is going to have to do any more grafting she is going to go to my shoulder areas to get the skin.  She says that she may need to ask Ru, Cheyanne or Igby (her chuncky, bitey foster boy) for a little bit of their skin, but it's better if it comes from me.
Rats, she is coming back up from playing with those dog gone dogs. Gotta shuffle like the wind.....
{The photos are in Logan's surgical procedures album}

April 15, 2007 8:39 pm

Another Storm

Well there has been more thunderstorms back to back all night last night, all day, and all night tonight.  The Doc has made sure that my kennel is padded on the outside as much as possible and she had people babysitting me all day.  I have slept all day and tomorrow I will have another wrap change and check up by the doc.  She is very hopeful that all will look even better with my grafts tomorrow.
Doc is feeling better, she is healing really well and not too bruised today, but she says the areas where the sutures are are still very sensitive when one of the other guys here at the house bumps into her arm.
Hey, Auntie Joy, I need another hammie a little bit bigger since I am growing more quickly since the Doc is feeding me so much good stuff.
Logan The Fierce

April 14, 2007 5:42 pm

Survived Friday the 13th

The Doc says we survived the 13th well and I even got to stay home because the Doc says that the less I walk on the grafts the better; so, I stayed at her house sleeping in my hammie all day. 
the Doc got back from going to a cat show (what the heck is that???) and she had Auntie Chris, Auntie Alicia and Uncle Billy come to see me and the others here too while she was away; so, I wasn't too long without supervision.  Anyways, she took me to her clinic and made me get woozy and she changed the wraps on my feet. She seems very pleased with how the skin grafts on working so far.  She is still concerned about the areas that are blanched, but there are fewer of them than 2 days ago.  You can go to my page and see them.  She says she isn't going to do a general post of them anymore, as it seems to be grossing some of you guys out and she doesn't want to do that.
My next wraps change will be Monday and I hope and pray it is even better than todays.
Logan the Fierce