[Rabbit] [Deer] [Raccoon]
There are two basic rabbit types on Vancouver Island, the non-indigenous Eastern Cottontail, and Feral Rabbits (pet bunnies set free).
Cottontails These are the small multi toned brown/grey bunnies with the white cotton
tail, they breed almost year round, average 2-7 babies per litter, and
are generally non-destructive. The Mama bunny excavates a hole
equivalent to a 500 ml measuring cup, lines it with dry plant material
and fur plucked from her breast. Often this is in the plantings at the
house foundation, but can just as easily be in the middle of the lawn or
under a tree or shrub.
These are pet rabbits either intentionally or accidentally set free, and
wreck tremendous damage on both the ecosystem and our property. A feral
rabbit can be of any size, color and pattern, in fact, anything that
does not have the distinctive cottontail coloration is most likely a
Feral. Dealing with feral rabbits usually ends up in the death of the
adults (once wild, they rarely will tame down enough to make safe pets,
the reality of biting, kicking and scratching is too real), and the
possible salvage and adoption of the babies. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
Fawns Fawns can be singles, twins and sometimes triplets. They are born from
early spring to early summer and are identified by their tiny size and
characteristic white spots. A newborn fawn is often compared to the size of a large house cat
with really, really long legs, the Mother Deer, or Doe will often leave
her young unattended for very extended periods of time, particularly in
the first few days. This is not neglect, a newborn fawn has no scent and
is safer motionless and alone rather than trying to keep up with its
mother. She will periodically return to feed the fawn, and within a few
days the fawn will be strong enough to join its mother on her
never-ending quest for forage.
Unfortunately, not much can be done for an injured adult deer, unless it
is down and literally cannot get up. They are very susceptible to stress
and any attempt to restrain or capture them is more often fatal. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
Common misconceptions about raccoons:
Raccoons In General Raccoons usually breed from late winter to early spring, carry their
young 60-65 days, giving birth to 1-7 babies, usually in early spring,
but as late as early October here on the Island. The kits are blind and
deaf for the first 3-4 wks, and do not even start to crawl until they
are 4-6 wks, with walking out of the question until 6-8 wks. Throughout
all this time they will remain helpless in the nursery den, totally
dependant on Mama Coon for nursing. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
Songbird Babies Most baby birds (that are uninjured) in Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres never required care. Please seek help, before intervening, if you are unsure if a bird is in trouble. This will prevent you from unknowingly committing a 'birdnappping', and eliminating an otherwise healthy birds chances for a natural upbringing by its parents.
Hatchlings A chick that is just hours or days old, naked, perhaps some fluff. Should be in the nest, being cared for by its parents.
Nestling A chick that is eyes open, lots of downy feathers, unable to fly. Should be in the nest, being cared for by its parents.
Fledgling A baby bird that looks almost (or is) fully feathered. At this age it is commonly out of the nest, as yet, unable to fly, often on the ground hopping around. It is still being cared for by its parents, and is just starting to self feed. DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO FEED OR GIVE WATER TO A YOUNG OR INJURED BIRD, THIS WILL MOST LIKELY CAUSE ITS DEATH. Always seek help, it is illegal to keep a wild bird, even though you may be saving its life, only a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator can legally keep and care for orphaned or injured songbirds.
Adult Birds A fully grown, long tail feathered bird that is acting strangely may be ill or injured. Usual causes for an adult bird to be in distress are impact injury, parasite infestation, emaciation, and cat attack.
This is normally a result of being hit by a car or flying into a glass window. Generally the bird appears groggy, and often appears unfrightened and is unable to stand or fly. If you witnessed the impact, or it is obvious from the location you found the bird that this is the problem get a cardboard box, just large enough to hold the bird, and punch it full of ventilation holes (this prevents over heating). Carefully place the bird inside and close it, securely, to prevent the bird from escaping once it 'wakes up'. Put the box in a very quiet, dark place (cool area in summer, warm area in winter) and leave the bird completely alone for an hour. In the meantime contact a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and explain the situation as fully as possible. Often after an hour the bird is fully recovered and can simply be set free, if after three hours it has not fully recovered it must be taken to a Vet Clinic or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre as it will require long term care, medication and other treatments. Birds run into windows as they do not 'see' the glass. This can be prevented in several ways. If you have blinds do not completely retract them, instead use the rod to simply 'tilt' the slats. Do not open curtains or blinds on windows that are directly opposite or in line of sight of each other, the birds see this as a clear corridor and will continuously be running into them. Place decals, wind chimes and other affixed or hanging objects in front of large picture windows, this breaks up the glass and makes it visible to the birds. Don't clean your windows! The 'dirt' lets the birds 'see' the glass.
Parasite Infestation This means the bird has picked up some sort of parasite (worms, flukes, other nasty creepy crawlies that get onto or into the bird) that has either impaired or made it impossible to feed and care for itself. These birds are usually grounded, often bedraggled, with ruffled or damaged feathers, and often will not try to escape or show fear when approached. Get a cardboard box just big enough for the bird, and punch it full of ventilation holes (to prevent overheating). Place the bird inside and either contact a Vet Clinic or a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. This bird will most likely require medication, rest and feeding until it can regain its strength.
Emaciation This bird will also appear much like a bird with parasites, and may well have parasites. An emaciated bird is one that is literally starving. When you actually pick up the bird to place in the cardboard box you will feel that its breastbone is extremely prominent - there will be a large ridge poking out from the centre of its chest from just below the throat to just above the belly. On either side of the breastbone there will be very little, if any 'meat', the muscles will have wasted away. This bird will need immediate specialized treatment if it is to survive, get it to a Vet Clinic or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre as soon as possible. DO NOT TRY TO TREAT OR FEED THIS BIRD, it requires very specialized care, without professional treatment it will die.
Cat Attack Once a bird has been in a cats mouth it will most likely contract PASTURELLA, and without antibiotic treatment die. Even if the bird appears to be unharmed, within 12-36 hours, if there was ANY blood/saliva contact the bird will die. Please do not 'let go' these apparently uninjured birds that your cat has brought in, please get them the medical treatment they need from a Vet Clinic or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.
to protect birds and other wildlife from the predation of cats. Purchase
(at The Backyard Wild Bird and Nature Store, in Nanaimo,
Raptors These are owls, hawks, falcons and eagles, also known as Birds of Prey. Most of the information above regarding adult songbirds is appropriate for Raptors, the only difference is Raptors can be dangerous to handle with their beaks and talons. When handling Raptors use several layers of thick blankets or towels, and often the addition of welding gloves or other heavy leather gloves is a very good idea. A suitable cardboard box is often not handy when dealing with these larger birds. Ideally a large plastic dog kennel (NOT METAL this will damage feathers) is the best container, but a large 'Rubbermaid plastic tote' or clean garbage can is a great substitute, just be sure that it is well ventilated (CRITICALLY IMPORTANT if you intend to use the lid that comes with the container) by using a pillowcase or sheet over the top and secure it with bungee cords, tape, or rope. Contact and transport as soon as possible to a Vet Clinic or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. Eagles are known to 'swim' in oceans and rivers, this is usually during salmon season and they have 'caught' a salmon that is too large to fly off with. They 'row' to shore with their wings.
Ducks, Geese and other Water Fowl This basically includes anything with webbed feet. The young of these birds will imprint almost immediately on anything that moves, including you!
Ducklings (baby ducks) These downy yellow/brown/black balls of fluff commonly get lost as they will follow anything that moves. Duckling Mum's WILL NOT accept anothers babies, and in fact will KILL anothers babies. DO NOT attempt to reunite these babies unless you are completely certain you know who Mum is. Ducklings are extremely fragile - stress, improper feeding, lack of heat will kill them in a matter of hours. Do not handle them beyond placing in a small ventillated cardboard box with non ravelling bedding to snuggle into to keep warm. Contact a Vet or Wildlife Rehabilitator with the utmost urgency if you want the baby to survive. Goslings (baby geese) These downy yellow/brown/grey/black balls of fluff commonly get lost as they will follow anything that moves. Often you will find a Mama Goose in the vicinity (fortunately they cannot count), and it is easy to pop the baby in with any family of geese where the babies have the same coloration and size as your "lost" baby. If you are certain there are no 'like' families around after 30 minutes of searching, then as quickly as possible get the baby to a Vet Clinic or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. They are very fragile, and when alone they lose body heat rapidly. Time kills these little guys, do not delay, seek help immediately.
Injured Adult Water Birds Ducks, Geese and Swans are often injured by unleashed pets, wild predators, and humans either shooting or hitting (sticks, rocks, cars) them. As with Raptors, be very careful if you choose to tackle a large goose or swan, they have very powerful wings and have been known to break a human leg with their wings. Unless the bird is literally unable to escape, capture is often impossible. A goose with a broken leg will still fly away as soon as you get too close. A duck or swan unable to fly will often stay near or in the water, again making capture difficult or impossible. They are best contained in the same manner as the Raptors, cardboard boxes, Rubbermaid totes, large dog crates or kennels (plastic ONLY, anything metal or wire will damage feathers) and lastly a clean garbage can. Contact and transport to a Vet Clinic or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. Keep in mind that flightless birds ARE NOT always injured. Geese (and all other birds) must periodically 'moult' their feathers and grow new ones. For unmated yearling Geese this can be as early as June, for females that had a clutch to rear this could be as late as August. One parent will be capable of flight throughout the raising of the babies. Often the large Canada Geese decide to do their 'moult' in the oddest of places, parking lots or other expanses of concrete in particular. If possible, shoo it to the seclusion of grasses/bushes, if it is a hazzard or in danger it may need to be moved to the nearest lake/marsh area. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
On Vancouver Island the closest Marine/Aquatic Mammal Rehabilitation
Centre is on Saltspring Island - the Island Wildlife Natural Care
Centre. Their telephone number is
Harbour seals and pups Contrary to popular belief it is not common for a very young seal pup to be left alone here on Vancouver Island. Generally the mother seal will remain with the pup until the pup is strong enough to accompany her in the water. A young Harbour Seal Pup alone SHOULD ALWAYS be considered an abnormal situation, please observe carefully, from a distance, preferably with binoculars. Unless there is obvious injury, or other reason for concern continue this observation for at least an hour - on the off chance Mama is out feeding, or was scared off for some reason she will certainly not return if there is human/animal activity around her pup. If at any time you feel there is reason to be concerned contact a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre that knows seal pups, preferably a Marine Mammal Facility. DO NOT CLOSELY APPROACH THE PUP, without first seeking specific instructions, their bite can be very severe.
Potential Reasons for Concern
DO NOT CHASE, FORCE OR TAKE ANY SEA MAMMAL OFF THE BEACH, INTO THE OCEAN. If it wanted to be in the water it would have gone there itself. Every year we deal with pups that were literally 'drowned' by wellmeaning people.
Sea Lions Carefully read the potential reasons for concern listed above for Harbour Seals. If any of these four criteria give you ANY reason to be concerned, follow the instructions for contacting a Marine Mammal or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.
Sea Otters True Sea Otters are very rare these days along the B.C. coast, with current populations estimated at anywhere from 900 to 3,000. They are most commonly found off the Brooks Peninsula on Vancouver Islands west coast, and the Goose Islands off the central B.C. coast. Adult Sea Otters have light colored heads (white to tawny), with a dark brown body, slightly lighter underneath. They weigh from 30-45 kg's (70-100 lbs), have a long thick body, and a short tail -only about one third of their entire body length of approximately 1.5 m (4+ feet). They have flipper-like, paddle shaped feet, and are rarely seen on land (unless injured or if the female needs to rest after mating). A Sea Otter will groom and eat while on its back floating along, in large groups called 'rafts'. They give birth to just one pup at a time, while at sea! Most likely, the otters you see frolicking close to shore are River Otters, off for a swim in the ocean. For a description of River Otters look under Aquatic Mammals. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
These are animals that breathe air but spend a good part or most of their time in the water. Beaver, River Otter (often seen in the ocean), Muskrat etc.
River Otters The comical River Otter has long whiskers, a big nose, and a long, slender body. They average 10-14kg (35lbs), are brown on top, and grayish or brown underneath. The long heavy tail is thickest at the base, flat on the bottom, and narrows to a stubby point. The fully furred tail is 1/2 to 2/3 of the entire 1-1.5 m (3-4 foot) body length of the River Otter. They have short, little legs with five webbed toes on each foot. The females have 3-4 babies (on land!) each spring, live in small single family groups.
Otter Orphans Occasionally otter babies lose their Mum, they are not commonly about on their own, if being harassed by cats or other pets it is a good sign that they are in trouble. Contact a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre for further instructions. DO NOT TRY TO TOUCH baby or adult Otters, they have a very fierce bite, and won't hesitate to use this defense mechanism!
Otter Problems with Humans Unfortunately Otters belong to the mustelid family, that is the same group as skunks. Add to that their pungent diet of fish and shellfish and you can see why they do not make desirable residents under, in or around your home. If you are currently dealing with troublesome otters contact this site for help evicting them. If they have not moved in, follow these instructions. Protect yourself from these adorable but smelly home invaders by ensuring your foundations are solid. If on a dirt crawl space, this becomes an excavation project. Staple hardware cloth (welded wire mesh no larger than 2cm squares) one foot from the bottom edge of your home, leaving at least three feet free. Now you must either dig a two foot deep trench at the very base of your home, or remove all the plantings from your homes edge, out two feet, and remove the first three inches of soil in this two foot margin. If you decide to trench, drop the mesh in so it hangs straight off the house, now backfill and tamp the earth well. If you prefer to re-landscape, take the mesh and where the house meets the ground fold it at a right angle creating the letter 'L', this will extend out over the two foot margin. Replace the earth and do some replanting. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
Beavers are common but often remain unnoticed on Vancouver Island as they prefer to go about their business in the darker hours between dusk and dawn. The adults are surprisingly large: from 13-25 kg (40-60 lbs), their brown fur covered bodies are 60-75 cm (2+feet), with the characteristic paddle tail another 20-35cm (9-10in.), over one metre (1+yards) in length total. In their third year they chose their lifelong mate. Both parents will help care for the tiny 500gm (1lb) kits (1-4) born in spring. These kits will stay two years in the family lodge, with the yearlings acting as babysitters for their newborn siblings. In the late winter or early spring of their third year these kits will leave the family to seek a mate and territory of their own. This is the time when they are most vulnerable, and most commonly require help.
Sick or Injured Beavers Beavers are very territorial and will attack and injure a strange Beaver that wanders into their territory. These bites are often serious enough that (without treatment) they can be fatal. In their search for new territory they often use roads, this leads to them being hit by cars, also often fatal without prompt, appropriate treatment. Beavers that are injured may become aggressive, and can severely injure an unwary human who may try to help. Please contact a Wildlife Rehabilitator for assistance before attempting to help. Remember these creatures spend their lives chopping down trees with their teeth, they will most likely destroy any container (kennel) containing them in very short order!
Beaver Orphans It is uncommon for beaver kits to become orphaned and this is usually the result of humans trying to deal with a 'beaver problem'. If a small (cat or football sized) beaver is found alone and is uninjured please observe from a discreet distance (via binoculars), and contact a Wildlife Rehabber for further instructions. If it is obviously injured, unmoving or otherwise seriously distressed this is likely an emergency and you ought to seek help by phone immediately. As with any wild creature, do not feed or give water, it is likely severely dehydrated and will require specialized treatment to correct the fluid imbalance. Water or food by mouth for any creature troubled in this way will almost certainly cause death.
Beaver Problems
Unfortunately Beavers propensity for dams and redirecting the flow of
water can lead to conflicts with humans, property owners and roads being
washed out. Beavers are unaware that we do not appreciate their special
talents, so they tend to continue these 'destructive' behaviours, not to
spite us, but because this is what they do. With a bit of effort you can
thwart problem Beavers (with a little annual upkeep) permanently.
Trapping, relocating, killing or otherwise 'eliminating' them will only
work temporarily. If you have beaver friendly habitat your problems will
only start again next spring with the new influx of two year olds
seeking territory. ______________________________________________ BACK TO TOP
There are many species of squirrel or chipmunk type creatures. The basics will apply to any injured, orphaned at risk or problem 'squirrel'. The two most common that you will see are the indigenous Red Squirrel, also know as a Pine Squirrel or Chickaree, and the non-indigenous Eastern Grey squirrel.
Eastern Grey Squirrels These are the large, 40-50cm (18-23 in.) grizzled gray or solid black squirrels that were introduced several years ago in Victoria. Unfortunately they are slowly working their way up island, with sightings as far north as Qualicum. This larger, more aggressive, fast maturing squirrel breeds twice annually - late winter and late spring - producing 2-3 babies in each litter and needs at minimum, 3 to5 times the forage area (avg. 5 hectares-often up to 20 hectares!) of a Red Squirrel. Please do not to encourage the spread of the Eastern Grey by trapping and relocating/releasing these large grey or black squirrels ANYWHERE on Vancouver Island.
Red Squirrel (Pine Squirrel, Chickaree) These cheeky
little fellows prefer forested areas, having a home range of 1-1.5
hectares. They are active all day and year round busily foraging for
seeds (especially fir and pine cones), berries, eggs, fungi etc. Their
short fur tends to be reddish brown on their backs and white or greyish
white on their undersides. An adult is only 25-35 cm (10-12 in.) from
nose tip to tail tip, their tails being 1/2-1/3 of their total size.
Baby Squirrels After high winds furred, baby squirrels are found on the ground, blown from their nests. Assuming there are no obvious injuries it is best to leave the little fellow for Mum to collect. If the area is unsafe (pets) improvise a nest (berry basket, etc.) and attach it to the tree. Gently and carefully (beware - squirrel bites are VERY painful) pick up the baby squirrel with a cloth of soft, non raveling material (polar fleece), wrap it loosely and place in the substitute nest. Monitor the baby from a distance, and allow at least several hours for Mum to collect it. Do check periodically to ensure the baby is not overly hot or cold.
****************** Now is the time to contact a Wildlife Rehabilitator for more specific instructions. If the baby squirrel is furless, cold or injured it will need help immediately if it is to survive. Warm it in your cupped hands, and call for help without delay. Do NOT feed, give water/'formula' or use artificial means to warm the baby, done incorrectly your good intentions will cause death.
Injured Squirrels Injuries to squirrels are usually due to falls (high winds), cars and pets, especially cats. Any small cage, or ventilated container will do for emergency containment of an injured squirrel while transporting to a Wildlife Rehabilitator, just remember, their teeth are for gnawing.
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